Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Extra! Extra! Recession Felt by Tooth Fairy

It seems that even the tooth fairy has had to tighten her belt due to our uncertain economic times.

According to a recent Visa Inc. survey the average tooth only gets a return of $2.60 down from $3.00 last year, when it is 'invested' under the pillow.

However, it is a good time to live in the West, where the tooth fairy is paying $2.80 up from $2.70 last year (a 4% increase). The kids in the East have taken a 38% hit with the tooth fairy now only leaving an average of $2.10 down from $3.40 the previous year. Payouts in the Midwest fave fallen to $2.80 from $2.90. The South was hit hard also with a 21% drop to $2.60 from $3.30.

Tooth fairy trivia by the numbers:

7 - the percentage of kids receiving less than a dollar
10 - the percentage of kids receiving no money from her
18 - the percentage of kids that receive $2 to $4 per tooth
18 - the percentage of kids that receive $1 per tooth
29 - the percentage of kids that receive $2 to $4 per tooth

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